تصميم طريقة فعالة حديدة لتشفير البيانات باستخدام مفتاحيت pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Internet security has witnessed an explosive and exciting growth in the past three decades . Under the surface of excitement lies a mine of technical and commercial challenges. Without solving these challenges, secure systems will not reach the expected potential. Security can be achieved via encryption. Encryption uses b“keys” to encrypt and decrypt the information. Without having the cryptographic key, the ciphered information will never be converted into its original text. The selective application of technological and related procedural safeguards is an important responsibility of every organization in providing adequate security to its electronic data systems. Protection of data during transmission or while in storage may be necessary to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the information represented by the data. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) that uses 128 bit block size as well as 128 bits key size was introduced by NIST. Encryption is a method by which data – digital or otherwise – is converted into an encoded form that can only be decoded and read if the user possesses an appropriate encryption key. It represents one of several techniques that may be applied to protect research data from unauthorized access. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is a very popular choice in terrestrial communications, is slowly emerging as the preferred option in the aerospace industry including satellites. AES is a block cipher, which encrypts one block of fixed length data at a time. Symmetric encryption is widely used to enforce data security and provide other cryptographic primitives. This thesis proposed a new efficient approach for data encryption algorithm using two keys. One supplied and generated by the system that's specific to an individual user and one from the user (user key).I hashed the user key with the system key to get a master key which will be used at the end to encrypt data. I used AES as the basis of our approach. AES is symmetric key that uses only one key. So my proposed cryptographic system is symmetric. By two keys method, the new algorithm had several useful properties. First, it is fast, Second, can be easily implemented in hardware. Third, it is highly secure. Similar to DES, when one bit in the data is charged the encryption code will have many bits charged. The length of data block can vary. The encryption mode can be changed easily. The proposed approach may be used by large organizations, governments, banks in addition to individuals.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خصائص الدراسة
Abusalim, Belal Y
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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