أثر استخدام حقيبة تعليمية إلكترونية في تنمية مفاهيم تكنولوجيا النانو والاتجاه نحوها لدى طالبات الصف التاسع الأساسي بغزة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the impact of using electronic educational bag on developing nanotechnology concepts among female ninth graders in Gaza. In this study، the researcher adopted the experimental approach and chose a random sample of 90 female ninth graders. The sample was divided into two groups (the experimental group) consisting of (45) students and (the control group) consisting of (45) students. The researcher has produced electronic educational bag and applied to the experimental group, the study tools consisted nanotechnology concepts test and the trend towards scale of nanotechnology. The study findings were as follows: There were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of the students in the experimental group and those of the control one in the post application of the nanotechnology concept test in favor of the experimental group attributed to the use of electronic educational packages. There were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05) between the mean scores of students’ responses in the experimental group and those of the control one in the post application of the attitude toward nanotechnology scale in favor of the experimental group attributed to the use of electronic educational packages. There was a positive impact of electronic educational packages on developing nanotechnology concepts among experimental group. There was a positive impact of electronic educational packages on developing trend towards nanotechnology among experimental group. The researcher recommended making use of electronic educational packages prepared by her in teaching the concepts of nanotechnology. She also recommended the need for preparing other electronic educational bags in various curricula for use in the educational process.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خضر, ايات جمال ياسين (2016). The effect of using electronic educational bag in the development of concepts nanotechnology and the trend towards the ninth – grade students in Gaza. الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 17931
خصائص الدراسة
خضر, ايات جمال ياسين
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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رسالة ماجستير
دراسة كاملة
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