تقويم مقررالمواد الاجتماعية للصف الخامس الأساسي في ضوء معايير المجلس الوطني الأمريكي للدراسات الاجتماعية(NCSS) pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Abstract The study aimed to evaluate the fifth grade's social studies curriculum in light of the United States National Council for the Social Studies Standards (NCSS).The list consisted of (50) sub-standards distributed into ten domains. The study came up with the following results: the analysis results showed that the most available standards were in the field of (culture), then the standards of (time, sustainability and change) and least accessible area of standards (science and technology and society), and the least available were in the domain of (science, technology and community). Following is a display of these domains and their percentages: Culture domain: the culture domain obtained the highest of (17.56%), and then the domain of (time, sustainability and change), which obtained (17%), then the domain of (identity and individual development), which accounted for (16.79%), then the domain of (people, places and environments) which accounted for (14.07%), then the domain of (individuals, groups and institutions), which got (12.05%), then the domain of (authority, power, and the government) which obtained (10.66%), then the domain (ideals of civil practices), which accounted for (5.64%), then the domain (production, distribution, and consumption), which accounted for (2.57%), then the domain of (global links), which obtained a percentage of (2.29%), and finally the domain of (science, technology and (society), which obtained a percentage of (1.32%). The results of the analysis showed that social studies curriculum which enjoyed the most availability of standards was history, which got a percentage of (52.40%), followed by the national education curriculum with a percentage of (24.59%), then civics curriculum with a percentage of (15.95%). The lowest percentage of availability was in geography with a percentage of (7.03%). The researcher recommended the need for those authoring the social studies textbooks in Palestine to benefit from the prepared list of standards and the curriculum designers as well. He also recommends more interest should be given to employing technology in all the existed activities of social studies textbooks, and the need to link the curriculum of (geography and civics) with the identity of the Palestinian student, and the need for reconsidering the curriculum of social studies and enriching it in the domains which are missing or have not have their proper share of enrichment, which the results of the study indicated.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
الزاملي, يحيى ابراهيم سليمان (2017). Evaluation of 5th Grade Social Subjects Curriculum in the light of the Standards of the American National Council for Social Studies ( NCSS ). الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 19504
خصائص الدراسة
الزاملي, يحيى ابراهيم سليمان
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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