Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Government Hospitals in Gaza Strip- Palestine pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This study was conducted to assess indoor air quality (IAQ) in three neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), which were chosen to geographically represent the Gaza strip. The study collected both: objective temperature and air quality measures ofcarbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), temperature, relative humidity (RH%) and suspended particles (PM10, PM2.5); and clinical staff perceptions of indoor air quality and its impact. The study conducted daily air quality measurements between 4 March until 22 March 2013, and gathered 108 questionnaires. The study showed that the average concentrations of carbon dioxide were often close to the maximum standard of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and sometimes exceed the limit, especially in the NICU of Shifa Hospital. Temperature fell within normal ranges, but approached recommended limits at Shifa Hospital. Carbon monoxide and suspended particle concentrations and relative humidity were within the standards recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency in all three NICUs. More than half of the clinical staff (60%) suffered from sick building syndrome, 83% suffer from tiredness and fatigue, and 76% suffer from headache. Nearly 85% believe that these symptoms are related to their workplace, and 71% report disappearance of the symptoms after they leave work. We conclude that indoor air quality merits more attention from the Ministry of Health, and that NICU staff be engaged around issues of environmental health.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
Aljeesh, Yousef I., AL Madhoun, Wesam A, Abu Shamh, Iyad,& Areaya, Mariana (2016). Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Government Hospitals in Gaza Strip- Palestine. Public Health Research, volume:6, No: 1, 27257
خصائص الدراسة
Aljeesh, Yousef I.
AL Madhoun, Wesam A
Abu Shamh, Iyad
Areaya, Mariana
سنة النشر
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Journal Article
دراسة كاملة
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