الاستمتاع بالحياة والرضا عن الذات وعلاقتها بالصدمات النفسية الناتجة _x000D_ عن الحرب الأخيرة على غزة لدى العائلات المنكوبة شرق خان يونس pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This study aimed to explore level of self-satisfaction, life enjoyment their relationship to psychological trauma among traumatized families living in Eastern Area of Khan Younis after “protective Edge” Military Operation, the study also aimed to explore variances between self-satisfaction, life enjoyment and psychological trauma that could be attributed to the demographic factors such as gender age. The sample of this study consisted of 70 families of those living in Eastern Area of Khan Younis; the study used battery of tools as follows: Life enjoyment questionnaire, self-satisfaction questionnaire (these two questionnaires were developed by the research team) and psychological trauma questionnaire developed by Gaza Community Mental Health Programme.*Major Outcomes: The study outcomes indicated that the mean of self-satisfaction among subject of the study reached 3.106 which could be translated into 62.1%; this percentage indicates an average level of self-satisfaction. With regard of life enjoyment, the percentage reached 66.6%, which indicates an average level of life enjoyment. As per psychological trauma, the outcomes indicated that 60.8% of the study subjects have been traumatized. The outcomes indicated that self-satisfaction and life enjoyment decreases when psychological trauma increases. There are differences between male and female with regards of self-satisfaction for the sake of females; mean while there are no differences between males and females in relation to psychological trauma and/or life enjoyment. There are variances between young and old subjects of the sample study, those who were older than 41 years old with regards of self-satisfaction more than other aging groups specially those who were below 30 years old. Finally, there are no differences between various aging groups with regards of psychological trauma and life enjoyment.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
البراغيتي, محمود خليل, شبيـر, محمـد عوض,& الجبالي, أشرف إبراهيم (2015). Life enjoyment and self-satisfaction among traumatized families in Khan Younis and their relationship with psychological trauma resulted out of last war against Gaza. التداعيات التربوية والنفسية للعدوان على غزة, الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 28563
خصائص الدراسة
البراغيتي, محمود خليل
شبيـر, محمـد عوض
الجبالي, أشرف إبراهيم
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Conference Paper
دراسة كاملة
نوع الملف: