Musculoskeletal Disorders among Radiology Technologists at Governmental Hospitals -Gaza Governorates pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This study aims to determine the prevalence and risk factors of_x000D__x000D_
musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among radiological technologists (RTs)_x000D__x000D_
working at governmental hospitals in Gaza Strip. The design of this study is_x000D__x000D_
descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional one. The sample of this study_x000D__x000D_
consisted of all RTs 172 (136 male and 36 female). A pilot study on 15 RTs_x000D__x000D_
was conducted to test validity and reliability of the study instrument._x000D__x000D_
Different statistical procedures used for data analysis including cross_x000D__x000D_
tabulation, percentage and Chi square._x000D__x000D_
The results showed that the overall prevalence of MSDs among study_x000D__x000D_
participants was 75.6%. MSDs were higher among females (91.7%)_x000D__x000D_
compared to males (71.3%). Back was the dominant site for MSDs and it_x000D__x000D_
constitutes 31.5% and stiffness was the dominant type of pain (31.5%)._x000D__x000D_
Eighty three point five percent of males and 84.8% of females RTs_x000D__x000D_
complained of moderate to severe MSP. The majority of RTs (79.2%) have_x000D__x000D_
intermittent episodes of pain and 56.2% of them complained of pain for_x000D__x000D_
more than 6 months. Regarding pain onset, 90.0% of RTs developed pain_x000D__x000D_
after they were employed in radiology department and 10.0% had MSP_x000D__x000D_
before working in radiology department. There were no statistical_x000D__x000D_
significant differences in MSP in relation to gender, age and years of_x000D__x000D_
experience. The highest complain of MSP (61.0%) was among RTs aged 40_x000D__x000D_
years and less and the lowest complain (3.0%) was among RTs aged 51 – 59_x000D__x000D_
years, 44.7% of those who complained of MSP were employed for 1 – 7_x000D__x000D_
years. Among those who complained of pain, 82.3% asked for medical_x000D__x000D_
advice. Bending and twisting were the major risk factors for MSDs (88.4%)_x000D__x000D_
followed by lifting heavy objects and cassettes (85.5%), lifting and_x000D__x000D_
transferring patients (77.9%) and psychological pressure (77.3%), while_x000D__x000D_
sitting for long time (32.6%) and office work (19.2%) were the lowest risk_x000D__x000D_
factors. Concerning workplace environment, 58.7% of RTs reported that_x000D__x000D_
Basma T. Alagha , Yousef I. Aljeesh_x000D__x000D_
(102) Journal of Al Azhar University-Gaza (Natural Sciences), 2013, 15_x000D__x000D_
lighting in their workplace was unsuitable, 54.6% of them reported that floor_x000D__x000D_
was unsuitable and 58.1% reported that staff number was unsuitable. The_x000D__x000D_
study concluded that workplace modifications is needed (lighting and floor)_x000D__x000D_
beside the need to increase the number of qualified staff. Priority_x000D__x000D_
suggestions to avoid MSDs were decreasing the number of radiology_x000D__x000D_
procedures performed each day, distributing assignments fairly between_x000D__x000D_
staff and avoiding lifting heavy objects.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خصائص الدراسة
Alagha, ,Basma T
Aljeesh, Yousef I.
سنة النشر
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Journal Article
دراسة كاملة
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