اخطاء المتلازمات اللفظية التي يقع فيها طلبة اللغة الانجليزية والصحافة في الجامعة الاسلامية بغزة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
The present study aims at identifying, classifying and analyzing collocation errors made by English and journalism majors at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG). Following the descriptive analytical research, qualitative and quantitative analyses of collocation errors were examined from three dimensions: collocation background knowledge of native language (NL: Arabic) and foreign language (FL: English) a comprehensive developed model of collocation categories (collocation range, collective nouns, compounds and binominals) specific knowledge fields (political, educational and daily life collocations) The participants of this study were engaged in a survey sample that consisted of (245) Palestinian female and male English language majors and journalism majors enrolled in the fourth level within the second semester of the academic year (2007) at the IUG. English majors (Arts and Education) were (202) and journalism majors were (43). To fulfill the aims of the study, a list of collocations was designed as a pilot study to build a diagnostic test. The collocations list data was compiled from multiple reliable and valuable language resources. This list is divided into two parts: the first part presents collocations within English language; the second part presents collocations across English and Arabic language. This preliminary list was given to (10) English language instructors, from the IUG, El Azhar University, and El Aqsa University to determine the most common collocations used in the Palestinian society. In the light of the instructors' choice of the most common collocations included in the list, the diagnostic test was constructed. The diagnostic test consists of two main parts: the first part is related to collocations used within English language. This part has three closed questions: matching, multiple choice, and crossing out the odd collocation. The second part is a translation task that relates to collocations used across English and Arabic language. This part consists of three translation questions: translation from English into Arabic and vice versa, in addition to choosing the suitable translation of the given collocations. Both main parts of the test were viewed as complementary indicators for the students' proficiency in this linguistic area. Via the test, the participants' collocation errors were identified, classified and exemplified according to the pre-mentioned dimensions. Also, analytical reasons beyond committing those errors were explored. Percentages, Kuder-Richardson 20 Method, Person Correlation Coefficient, Spearman-Brown Coefficient, Independent Sample T Test, and Kruskal Wallis Test were used to analyze the data. Findings indicated that: The English language and journalism majors at the IUG made different types of collocation errors which manifested their lower and deficient competence in using collocations within English language and in dealing with such collocations across Arabic and English language. Such weak linguistic performance is attributed for various reasons. Both majors demonstrated limited collocation knowledge as they depended on interlingual and intralingual transfers which gave rise to different collocation errors in the first dimension. Both majors failed in differentiating the meanings of collocation items of the same range in different contexts according to the deviant responses recorded in the second dimension. Collocation error types made in the third dimension revealed that both majors had insufficient exposure to practical opportunities and real life experience and situations realted to the English language collocations. Dealing with collocations across Arabic and English language is a problematic spot and an error-generating area for both majors rather than using collocations within English language. The journalism majors' collocation errors are higher than those made by the English majors The male students demonstrated a lower level of collocation competence than the female students. The higher level of academic achievement is, the less collocation errors are and vice versa. Based on the results provided by the current study, recommendations are provided in a form of a pedagogical framework for English language teachers, English and journalism majors, the learning materials designers; the English and journalism departments, and finally for further research. This framework intertwines practical educational ideas with various and proper techniques that are relevant to teaching and learning collocations. This proposed framework can help tackle the issue of collocation errors made by English and journalism majors at the IUG, and encourage collocations build up.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
El Mashharawi, Aya Khaled (2008). Collocation Errors Made by English and Journalism Majors at the Islamic University of Gaza. the islamic university. 20935
خصائص الدراسة
El Mashharawi, Aya Khaled
سنة النشر
the islamic university
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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