فعالية برنامج ارشادي أسرى لدي أمهات الأيتام للتعامل مع بعض المشكلات السلوكية لأبنائهن pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Abstract Aim of the study: The aim of the Study is to examine the effectiveness of a family counseling program with the mothers of orphans that dealt with some of the behavioral problems of their children. The study sample: The sample of the study consisted of (30) orphans’ mothers in Al-Amal Institution. The sample was divided into an experimental group (N=15) and a control group (N=15). The Study approach: The researcher used the experimental method. Study tools: The researcher used two tools to verify the validity of the study hypothesis: a form to survey the orphans' behavioral problems from the standpoint of (supervisors and mothers) and a behavioral problems scale of the orphan children, both prepared by the researcher. The result of the study: There were statistically significant differences between the averages of the scores of the experimental group members and the control group the post-measurement on the scale of the common behavioral problems of the orphan children after applying the counseling program for the experimental group. There were statistically significant differences between the averages of the scores of the experimental group members in the prior and post measurement on the scale of the common behavioral problems of the orphan children in favor of the post-measurement There were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the scores of the experimental group members in the post and tracking measurement on the scale of the common behavioral problems of the orphan children after two months of applying the counseling program. Key words: (Family counseling, Behavioral Problems, orphans, Al-Amal orphans Institute).
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
جمعة, عبد المجيد عزات عبد المجيد (2016). The effectiveness of a family counseling program with mothers of orphans to deal with some of the behavioral problems of their children. الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 21693
خصائص الدراسة
جمعة, عبد المجيد عزات عبد المجيد
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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