السعي الإنساني بين الهداية والضلال (دراسة قرآنية موضوعية) pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Purpose of the study: The study aimed to carry out a Quranic objective study about human endeavor between guidance and misguidance. Study sample: The study sample covers all the verses of the Noble Quran that include the word sa’aa, endeavor, and its derivatives. Study Approach: The study followed the inductive, descriptive, and objective approaches in the interpretation. The most important findings of the study: Human endeavor in his life is the keystone and main pillar of his destiny in the hereafter, which is dominated by the Almighty mercy to His slaves. There is a great need in the Muslim community in every time, especially in the present time, to consider and ponder over this issue. This helps keeping the community’s focus on the right way in a time that is characterized by the deviated concepts and crime spread. The most important recommendations of the study: The study advices the Muslim community to reconsider their endeavor in this life to be consistent with the Islamic guidance in all matters of life. Islam, justice, and security will not prevail without implementing the concept of Taqwa, fearing the Almighty Allah, and avoiding the way of misguidance and disobedience. The study advices the students of knowledge, especially students of Islamic knowledge, to pay attention to the topics of the Noble Quran through the proper study, analysis, and implementation. They should also be linked to the reality considering the great need of introducing them from a contemporary perspectiv
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خصائص الدراسة
المشهراوي, صفاء حسن
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
رسالة ماجستير
دراسة كاملة
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