قضايا العقيدة في سورة الملك بين السلف الصالح والمتكلمين دراسة تحليلية مقارنة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Abstract Praise be to Allah, peace and blessings be the best messengers; our Prophet Muhammad, and yet ... The belief is the basis of religion, and the meditator in the books of the Salaf and their approach is to find clarity and pleased concepts in its statement, and sincerity notified about Allah and His Messenger, and in front of them established the people speak an approach counter to the doctrine of the predecessor, and opposed to him, and gave reason and logic and philosophy on religious texts, claiming it violates the minds, this research sheds light on matters of faith by Al King, shows the views of the speakers in Sura contractual issues, and shows the validity of the doctrine of advances which cleared the path they have followed, and I called "the issues of belief in al-Mulk between Ancestors and speakers," they "Mu'tazila and Ash'aris." The goal of the study: a statement of belief issues through al-Mulk, and clarify the difference between advances and speakers. Methodology: analytical approach cash. The most important findings of the study: 1. The King Surat Surat with great virtue, should be published and explained to the people, and the task of contractual issues, and responses to the idolaters proof and evidence. 2. The consolidation, which is a call of the prophets is to unite the divinity, but who cared by their predecessor, while no apparent interest Aaara Speakers Bmalvathm on plentiful. 3. The intense dispute between the predecessor and the people speak most of it related to the holy divine self, especially nouns and adjectives, which illustrated the safety curriculum advances and pleased, and the corruption of curriculum and ten speakers. The most important recommendations of the study: 1. The need to educate Muslims about the faith and the necessity of education, and to warn of the books of the speakers. 2. attention fence Koran study and research and the development of content, including Streptococcus. 3. I call attention to the speaker's books, especially books of interpretation as a book scout Zmkhcri, and the book of the keys of the unseen Razzie, as should be at the top of these books and others firmly grounded in science, to show them what the delusion and reveal what from where Zaov.
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خصائص الدراسة
ابو طير, بلال محمد سليمان
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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رسالة ماجستير
دراسة كاملة
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