قضايا العقيدة في سورة طه دراسة مقارنة بين السلف والمتكلمين pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This study includes an introduction and four chapters. In the introductory chapter, the study discussed the name of the Sura, the reason behind it, the number of its verses, its virtue, its status regarding being Makeyya or Madaneyya, and the most important topics addressed in the Sura. The introductory chapter also provided a definition of Ahl As-Sunnah, Al-Mu’tazelah, and Al-Ashaa’erah. The first chapter was titled “Tawheed among the Sects as Mentioned in Surat Taha”. The chapter is divided into three sections. The first section discussed Tawheed Ar-Roboubeyyah as mentioned in Surat Taha, and the opinions of the different sects in this regard. The section firstly defines Tawheed Ar-Roboubeyyah and manifests its aspects in Surat Taha. It clarifies its concept as understood by the righteous predecessors, Al-Mu’tazelah, and Al-Ashaa’erah. The second section of the first chapter discusses Tawheed Al-Olouheyyah as mentioned in Surat Taha, and the opinions of the different sects in this regard. The section firstly defines Tawheed Al-Olouheyyah and manifests its aspects in Surat Taha. It clarifies its concept as understood by the righteous predecessors, Al-Mu’tazelah, and Al-Ashaa’erah. The third section of the first chapter discusses Tawheed Al-Asmaa’ and As-Sifaat as mentioned in Surat Taha, and the opinions of the different sects in this regard. The section firstly defines Tawheed Al-Asmaa’ and As-Sifaat and manifests its aspects in Surat Taha. It clarifies its concept as understood by the righteous predecessors, Al-Mu’tazelah, and Al-Ashaa’erah. The second chapter was titled “Prophecies and Angels as Mentioned in Surat Taha”. This chapter presented the prophets mentioned in Surat Taha, defined the concept of prophecies as realized by the different sects, clarified the number of prophets, with a special focus Allah's prophets Mohammed, Musa, Haroun, and Adam, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them, as they were mentioned in Surat Taha. The chapter finally mentioned the story of the angles’ prostration as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha. In the third chapter, the issues of jinn, devils, and magic as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha. This was tackled in two sections: the first one discussed jinn and devils as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha, while the second one highlighted the issue of magic as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha. The fourth quarter focused on the unseen issues, Ghaibeyyat, as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha. It consists of five sections about beginning of the Day of Judgment, blowing the Horn, the resurrection, the gathering, the Day of Account, and types of pleasures and torture as realized by the different sects and mentioned in Surat Taha. The study ends with the conclusion, which included the most important findings and recommendations, in addition to the general indices, and the study bibliography and references.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خصائص الدراسة
الزق, همام مصطفى عبد القادر
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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