دور مساقات برامج الدراسات العليا في كليتي التربية والتجارة بالجامعة الإسلامية بغزة في تنمية مهارات الموارد البشرية pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
The role of postgraduate courses in faculty of commerce and education at Islamic University in Gaza in the development skills of human resources_x000D__x000D_
The study aims to identify the role of postgraduate courses in faculty of commerce and education at Islamic University in Gaza in the development skills of human resources._x000D__x000D_
The study will answer the following question:_x000D__x000D_
1. What is the role of postgraduate courses in faculty of commerce and education at Islamic University in Gaza in the development skills of human resources?_x000D__x000D_
2. Are there any statistically significant differences between the mean response of the sample according to gender (male - female) and college (Education - Commerce)?_x000D__x000D_
3. What are the most important suggestions to improve the contain of the courses in accordance with the requirement of the quality of educational outputs?_x000D__x000D_
the researchers will use the content analysis approach to achieve the study goal and the approach constructivist based questionnaire tool head, to measure the extent to which these courses for human resources areas, and its role in the development of students' abilities, and a workshop for a number of graduates graduate students in the faculties of commerce and education to develop proposals for the development of content graduate courses, and be community study of graduate students at the Islamic University in the faculties of commerce and education, totaling 264 students, and study sample consisted of 109 graduate students from the faculties of commerce and education by 40%._x000D__x000D_
The most important result:_x000D__x000D_
1-The existence of a role for graduate programs courses faculties of education and trade in the Palestinian universities in the Gaza Strip valuable human resource skills development university from the standpoint of students with a high degree relative weight 68.56%._x000D__x000D_
2- There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance(0.05 ≥ α) between the mean response of the study sample attributable to the study variables (sex - college)._x000D__x000D_
The most important recommendations:_x000D__x000D_
1. Enhance the practical aspects of the program offered to graduate students as empty of credit hours in the plan of the watch process, and suggests researchers requiring the student to dissolve one of the administrative problems in institutions during the period of his studies through the use of observation and research institutional, who attends whereby students in the institution for at least three months which notes the problem and propose practical solutions are applied based on the study which increases the practical skills and abilities in different areas of management._x000D__x000D_
2. Inclusion process requirements in the strategic planning and courses such as the acquisition of strategic management skill preparation of a strategic plan in an institution as one of the requirements of and outputs course._x000D__x000D_
3. To maximize attention to the practical research graduate (master's thesis), through the adoption of qualitative research and procedural and gradually shift towards institutional research that serves the community in a practical way as well as the student adds to enrich practically University to serve the needs of society and its institutions.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
الدجني, إياد علي,& الأعور, رشا وجيه (2013). The role of postgraduate courses in faculty of commerce and education at Islamic University in Gaza in the development skills of human resources. مؤتمر الدراسات العليا بين الواقع وآفاق الإصلاح والتطوير من 29-30ابريل 2013 رقم الصفحة 61, 26984
خصائص الدراسة
الدجني, إياد علي
الأعور, رشا وجيه
سنة النشر
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Conference Paper
دراسة كاملة
نوع الملف: