اختبار الاستعداد لتلاميذ الصف الأول للكشف عن الطفل المبدع pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Paying more attention to innovators is a human, social, political and economical _x000D__x000D_
need imposed by a group of factors and variables. That posed more need to_x000D__x000D_
innovate methods and improved multipurpose methods to get accurate findings by_x000D__x000D_
which we can specify the innovator in an early stage of his childhood. So the_x000D__x000D_
researcher has to follow one of the following couple of methods. 1- to design a_x000D__x000D_
criterion to assess school readiness for the first stage pupils indorsed by a group of _x000D__x000D_
pedagogists. 2- to study the current methods that distinguish innovative child and_x000D__x000D_
endow him more importance and encouragement in the kindergarten or primary_x000D__x000D_
school in Gaza strip and to analyse and diagnose these methods.The study_x000D__x000D_
included the theoretical background which is the basis that depends on the global_x000D__x000D_
trends for discovering innovators, trends of initial encouragement and dealing with_x000D__x000D_
innovators and methods of enhancement followed and previous researches in_x000D__x000D_
this field, the criterion, its structure and design from which they derived "viability_x000D__x000D_
test as a method of recognizing innovative child endorsed by pedagogists". The_x000D__x000D_
researcher depended on two methods viability test and meeting teachers and_x000D__x000D_
supervisors of innovative children in their kindergartens and primary schools._x000D__x000D_
There are results ,recommendation and suggestions as the researcher findings in_x000D__x000D_
connection with pre-school education ,the role of universities in this aspect of_x000D__x000D_
improvement and progress . They should design agenda for the discovery of_x000D__x000D_
innovators and the best relationship that connects kindergartens with primary_x000D__x000D_
schools .With the help of the family the innovative child can grow up in an_x000D__x000D_
atmosphere that incubate his talent and give enhancement for his gift
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
حلس, داود درويش (2005). Preparedness test for first grade pupils to reveal the creative child. مؤتمر "الطفل الفلسطیني بین تحدیات الواقع وطموحات المستقبل", كلية التربية الجامعة الإسلامية. 27001
خصائص الدراسة
حلس, داود درويش
سنة النشر
كلية التربية الجامعة الإسلامية
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Conference Paper
دراسة كاملة
نوع الملف: