الإنفاق على البحث العلمي ودوره في جودة نوعية الإنتاج العلمي في الجامعات الفلسطينية pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Thinking Deeply of what is happening in scientific research in Palestinian universities, and confirmed by statistics to confirm the poor expenditure at scientific research necessary for the various development sectors, and reflected on the quality of the production of scientific research in Palestinian universities; in order to achieve cohesion and interaction between universities and excellent community, and meet the needs and requirements of development and the access to this excellence we want for our universities, and the need for scientific research funding commensurate with the quality of scientific research, which we prepared the study; to reveal the extent of expenditure on scientific research in Palestinian universities and its impact on the quality of scientific production, following the researcher in the study of this descriptive analytical approach which describes phenomenon and describe quantitatively and qualitatively through a combination of digital data for the budget deanships scientific research in universities and supported the Palestinian researcher on a sample of the Palestinian universities consisting of three universities:(Islamic - Al-Azhar -AlAqssa), and drawing tools on the individual interview with officials of the deanships scientific research, and administrative three universities and access to the data required to reveal the extent of expenditure on scientific research and sources have resulted in the study on the decline in spending on scientific research in universities and the role of government and private sector in financing scientific research at universities is reflected in the low production quality. It is recommended by the study: _x000D__x000D_
- The need to activate the concept of producing the University transfers of scientific research from consumer research to investment research. _x000D__x000D_
- Linking the course of scientific research in universities, problems and needs of the community which promotes the link between scientific research and community development issues. _x000D__x000D_
- The study suggested a set of formulas which can reduce the crisis of funding for scientific research at universities in the current time (Waqf - Zakat - the government – self funding – private sector
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
حلس, داود درويش (2009). Expenditure on scientific research and its role in quality of scientific production in Palestinian universities. المؤتمر التربوي الثالث دور التعليم العالي في التنمية الشاملة, المؤتمر التربوي الثالث دور التعليم العالي في التنمية الشاملة – كلية التربية- جامعة الأزهر بغزة, كلية التربية- جامعة الأزهر بغزة. 27090
خصائص الدراسة
حلس, داود درويش
سنة النشر
كلية التربية- جامعة الأزهر بغزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Conference Paper
دراسة كاملة
نوع الملف: