أسباب عزوف الشباب الجامعي عن العمل التطوعي pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Reasons for the reluctance of university youth for volunteer work_x000D__x000D_
This study aimed to identify the reasons for the reluctance of university youth for volunteer work, and the degree of their practise. Researchers adopted descriptive analytical method . Study sample consisted of (464) students from the fourth level at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) .The researchers designed the questionnaire, were confirmed sincerity, and stability. It included (52)items distributed on five fields._x000D__x000D_
The study concluded with the following results:_x000D__x000D_
• More places to volunteer university students came as follows; outside the university (mosques then the political parties), and inside the university (Student Council then college and department)._x000D__x000D_
• Causes aversion came in descending order as follows (reasons related to volunteering itself, university reasons, reasons related to officials of volunteering, reasons related to youth themselves, family reasons)_x000D__x000D_
• There are no differences of statistical significance attributable to the variables of (Gender, Specialization, Average, Housing)._x000D__x000D_
In light of the results was presented the following proposals:_x000D__x000D_
1. Preparing suitable programs for young university to create positive attitudes towards volunteering._x000D__x000D_
2. To highlight the luminous models of young volunteers and highlighted in the media._x000D__x000D_
3. Attention to training students on the culture of volunteerism through educational curricula_x000D__x000D_
4. Promote volunteerism through the adoption of a requirement to graduate from universities and institutes of higher education._x000D__x000D_
5. Work to instill the spirit of volunteerism when an individual since the early years of his childhood._x000D__x000D_
6. Creating some of the projects that are in line with the tendencies and desires of young people._x000D__x000D_
7. Take decision that would develop voluntary work._x000D__x000D_
8. Gain the confidence of young people by starting asking their problems and try to find solutions for them._x000D__x000D_
9. Work on the institutionalization of volunteer work through the organization and brother-in-law and putting it in the form of administrative and regulatory institutional.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
نجم, منور عدنان,& نجم, إيمان عدنان (2013). Reasons for the reluctance of university youth to volunteer work. طلبة الجامعات الواقع والأمال, 27251
خصائص الدراسة
نجم, منور عدنان
نجم, إيمان عدنان
سنة النشر
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
Journal Article
دراسة كاملة
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