معالجة المواقع الفلسطينية الإلكترونية الإخبارية لحصار غزة دراسة تحليلية مقارنة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This study aimed to investigate the dominant trend of aggression topics to identify the nature of the press treatment of the Palestinian electronic news websites of the siege on Gaza and the nature of the topics which the current study websites tried to highlight. It also attempted to outline the persuasive styles used in the siege topics and their press sources and the forms of journalistic arts used by the study websites in addition to displaying the elements of prominence and consolidation that accompanied the news reporting materials and identifying the points of agreement and disagreement among the Palestinian news websites. The study is considered descriptive research in whose framework two designs were used:: survey research design, through which the content analysis method was used, and the mutual relations design, through which the systematic comparison method was used. The researcher also used "media agenda" theory. Data were collected through a content analysis form. The researcher selected the following Palestinian websites: "Ma'an News Agency, Wafa News Agency, Palestine Today News Agency, and Palestine Now News Agency". The duration of the study was the random sample with the industrial week style for (3 years) starting from (30/6/2013) to (30/06/2016). The study material consisted of content analysis of all the issues raised by the study websites regarding the siege on Gaza. The study of content analysis concluded multiple results: 1- The study found that the “social cases” have received the biggest attention of the four websites of the study with 22.2%, followed by the “political cases” and “economic cases”. Meanwhile, the category of “borders, crossings, and travel” was the first among the topics of interest in the four websites of the study, followed by “building and construction” 2- The study’s websites have shown a great interest in “information narration” methodology as it occupied the first rank among the methodologies of content presentation with 62.7%. All study’s websites have shown their biggest interest in this methodology because it acquired the highest percentage of use due to its dependence on narration more than interpretation. 3- The study indicates that the “press photo” has received the biggest interest in the multimedia that the websites of the study sample used in presenting the topic of siege with 97.5%, followed by “video” with a large difference of 2.5%, while other elements have totally disappeared The study came up with several recommendations, the most important of which were as follows: Palestinian websites’ attention should be drawn to the importance of shedding light on all the issues related to the siege on Gaza and its effects. Palestinian websites should take care of both textual and statistical styles in providing the content of the siege issues and should strengthen the media message with statistics, figures and legal evidence. The study also recommended supplementing news articles with multimedia and elements of prominence as they have a significant role in highlighting the suffering caused by the siege. The study finally recommended making it possible for the readers’ participation in expressing their opinions concerning the published press materials.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
الشريف, اسراء صالح (2017). The Treatment of Gaza Siege in the Palestinian News Websites (A Comparative Analytical Study). الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 16386
خصائص الدراسة
الشريف, اسراء صالح
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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