الحروف المقطعة في فواتح السور القرآنية دراسة لغوية تحليلية pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This research aims to study the separated letters in an analytical and linguistic study. These letters come in the opening twenty nine surahs in the Noble Quran. All of these surahs are Makki ones، with the exception of three Madani surahs، which are al-Baqarah and Aal Imran، and al-Ra’d. The study highlighted the different names of these letters including al-fawateh (openings)، fawateh al-sowar (openings of surahs)، horouf al-tahajji (alphabet)، al-horouf al-nouraneyya (the shining letters)، and al-horouf al-moqatta’ah (the separated letters)k2. These letters are read using their alphabetical names، i.e. as separated letters. Number of these letters، excluding the repeated ones، is fourteen letters، which is equivalent to half of the Arabic characters. Some gathered these letters in the following clause (nasson hakkemon qate’on lahu serr)، which literally means (a wise and definite text that has a secret). Some gathered them in the following clause (alam yastaa’ nour haqqen koreh)، which literally means (isn't it true that an unwanted true light has shined?)، among other clauses. The separated letters are classified to the single letters (Saad، Qaaf، Noun)، the dual ones (Taaha، Taa Sin، Yaa Sin، and Haa Mim)، the triple ones (Alif Laam Meem، Alif Laam Ra، and Taa Sin Mim)، the quadruple ones (Alif Laam Mim Saad، and Alif Laam Mim Ra)، and the quintuple (Kaaf Haa Yaa Ayn Saad، and Haa Mim Ayn Sin Qaaf). Scholars of Tafseer have different opinions concerning their meaning. Some said that they are among the Mutashaabeh، which is only known by the Almighty Allah. Thus، it is not required to investigate their meanings. However، the majority of scholars said that it is allowed to investigate their meaning. Thus، the Tafseer scholars have more than twenty opinions in this regard. The strongest opinion is that they are mentioned to highlight the power، Ijaz، of the Noble Quran. Some of these letters represent a complete verse. Additionally، there is a continuity and harmony between those letters and the suhras they open. This study has divided these letters into their vocal syllables. The separated letters in general include all of these syllables in different proportions. However، the long closed syllable is the most common one، as it occurred twenty times. This is followed by the middle open syllable، which occurred ten times. As for the middle closed syllable، it is reported four times. As for the short and long sections that are characterized with a double closure، they are reported four times and twice، respectively. The study investigated the Naber، syllable stress، and Tangheem، toning، in these letters. The Naber was observed in (Alif Laam Mim، Alif Laam Mim Saad، Kaaf Haa Yaa Ayn Saad، Taa Sin Mim، Taa Sin، Yaa Sin، Haa Mim، and Ayn Sin Qaaf) on the last syllable. Naber was observed on the second syllable in (Alif Laam Ra، and Alif Laam Mim Ra). In Surat Taha، Naber has occurred on the first syllable. The study did not mention the place of Naber in (Qaaf، Saad، and Noun) because they are composed of one syllable، where Naber is applied on this syllable. As for Tangheem، it is much related to the Naber، where Tangheem is only applicable on a stressed syllable. The study also investigated the connection and disconnection in the separated letters، and concluded that meanings affect pausing، where pausing may be decided depending on the Arabic grammar.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
ريان, اسماء طارق اسماعيل (2017). study the separated letters in an analytical and linguistic study. الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 16741
خصائص الدراسة
ريان, اسماء طارق اسماعيل
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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رسالة ماجستير
دراسة كاملة
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