The Pragmatics Impact on Semantics with Reference to Relevance Theorists’ Explicatures, and Bach’s Implicitures pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
AbstractFor a period of time long enough to be considered, language philosophers, linguists, and scholars think that albeit semantics and pragmatics are two fields concerned with meaning, yet each works in a way departs from the other. Thus, whereas 'what is said' is the mere field semantics deals with taking into account the truth-conditional meaning of it, pragmatics deals with 'what is implicated' or how it is said only. For this reason it seems that there is no interface between both. But contemporary pragmatists, although they admit the distinction between semantic and pragmatic meaning ,they believe that there is an interface between both, in particular there is a pragmatic impact on the semantic meaning . This impact has been tackled differently by different theorists, linguists, researchers , etc. What distinguishes the present study is that it aims at investigating that impact in relation to two accounts :the relevance theorists' Explicatures and Bach's Implicitures in order to see the relation between both ,on the one hand , and in which respect pragmatics influences semantics and how? on the other.Therefore, it is argued that albeit the outcome of the pragmatics impact on semantics takes different labels, like: explicatures or implicitures, and different types, yet they are roughly similar in different domains and their difference in most cases is a matter of terminology . Consequently, explicatures and implicitures almost lead to similar propositions. Therefore, to certify these hypotheses, the study falls into two parts. It starts with a brief theoretical framework to overview the pragmatics role over the semantic meaning ;in particular discussing how the pragmatic elaboration can affect 'what is said ' taking into account the relevance theorists contribution to explore explicatures , and Bach's role in finding out implicitures; and the overlapping between both . The other part displays a practical application of what has been presented theoretically. So, Frank Stockton's short story 'Love Before Breakfast', is analyzed to experience Sperber and Wilson's table of comprehension procedure to arrive at explicatures and implicated conclusions .Then Bach's implicitures are experienced regarding the different types and sub-types of implicitures. The study concludes that there is a relation between Explicatures and Implicitures in different domains
خصائص الدراسة
Angham abdul kadhum Al-Rekaby
سنة النشر
مجلة القادسية للعلوم الانسانية - جامعة القادسية
المجلد 12 ، العدد 3
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 7-36
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رابط الدراسةhttps://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/fb79f3b00a463651