الحضور اليومي للمقدس في حياة الفرد العراقي pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Max weber seen the view of world reformed by the systematical of meanings. The individual get it by systematical cultural interaction with social knowledge in his social life. It working to shape the general frames of meanings that Help individual to explain the social facts and situations. The religions participate in this operation by his tow most important social and psycho occupations. These occupations help the member of society to accept the social life and to achieve the social consolidation. That effected of all the social life aspects. Most the scientists of cultural anthropology and sociology of religion agree with the general explanations of the consequence of sacred operation that applied to members or thing. Depend on the theory of fetish remains which explained the social effective of sacred operation. This remains conceders as social residues showed by social environment. It didn’t appear in the sacred texts of religions. So that made the members and groups invitation the rituals so as to cover the religious aspects of these sacred members or things. All the new religions that came to the new societies interact with the olds. The acculturation way that accrued between the new and the old religions transfer some characters from the old to the new social religious practice. Especially those came from the popular religious. This operation accrues with all consequence religions on the same society in the historical range. Because the religion knowledge stays with religious elite that backing by social faction which have economics benefits from the sacred operations for the members and things. The anther reasons are the fear of the bulkheads that prevent new believers come into new religion. These bulkheads may participate in determine the new religion diffusion. Especially in the heralding religions all that creates the indulgence with the some old religion contents. The social understanding of new religions defer from the old one in the original society that religion appear in it. The first group believers made silent to keep the new people came into new religion when it be nearly of their social customs and habits
خصائص الدراسة
ا. د صلاح كاظم جابر
سنة النشر
مجلة القادسية للعلوم الانسانية - جامعة القادسية
المجلد 19 ، العدد 3
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 303-330
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