الأطر المنهجية لإثبات الذات الإلهية بين النقل والعقل pdf

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الأطر المنهجية لإثبات الذات الإلهية بين النقل والعقل pdf


الأطر المنهجية لإثبات الذات الإلهية بين النقل والعقل pdf

ملخص الدراسة:

This study tackles one of the most important issues related to the existence of man and life; it is an issue studied by nearly everyone because it is related to the existence of man .The subject of this study is the divine Entity and the title of the study is ((The Methodological Frames for Proving the Divine Entity between the Mental and the Cited Evidence)). The study tries to put forward this issue from both the mental and the cited evidence. The rational people have proved and agreed on that the world has an all maker, an all maker, an all creator and an all cherisher; they substantiated that by abstract mental evidence. It is widely known that people, with their different religions and beliefs and since the beginning of the creation until now, they do belief and agree that universe has a capable willing creator, but they disagreed upon determining the concept of the God. Despite that people know the existence of God, they worshipped others along with him all that things are made by man except that brought by the prophets and messenger. For that reason, the study consist of an introduction, preface and two sections consisting of five topics. The introduction is the preamble and the motive to write this subject and to elaborate the methodology. The preface comprises a definition to avoid the readers confusion, a list of terminologies to clarify their meanings and determine their limits; so it is a part that clarify their meanings determine their limits; so it is apart that clarifies the issues that have been ambiguous within the study. Section one is monotheistcal frame, which is the most important, consisting of two topics: Topic one: searching for the God; it contains the mental ways and methods. The study tries to prove that through establishing a decisive proof and this is what has been agreed upon by the rational people of the world. The second part of topic tow deals with the Quranic way of proving the existence of the God by evidence and proofs. Some of these evidence can be understood from the contexts of the ayahs related to the creation showing the evidence of possibility which is a mental one, and the evidence of occurrence through investigating the Quranic ayahs which are narrated in a captivating style. Topic two talks about substantiating the oneness of Allah; these evidence are mental such as the evidence of successiveness and the evidence of prevention. Section two tackles the ways leading to the sound belief (creed) which are the ways that guide the man to understand the existence of the God and how He can be known. This is an epistemic frame which should be thoroughly known and can be represented by three ways as explained by the rational people; these three ways by means of which things can be known are; the sound senses, the truthful tradition and the mind. The sound senses and the truthful tradition are two important means to know the sciences; the senses are the windows of mind to the universe since the mind cannot realize the information without the senses and this is something taken for granted in spite of that some Islamic and Western schools suspect the ability of senses to get knowledge. The study discusses this issue and gives evidence which prove that mind cannot realize the information except by means of senses. The scholars refer that there is a second way to make use of the information which is the truthful tradition way. This was defined by the scholars as the tradition agrees with the reality and applied to it. An example of this is the (Al-Khabar Al-Mutawater) the recurrent tradition which has been agreed upon by people to be true since those who recounted it cannot collude to lie, so it cannot be regarded as a lie. The third way is the mind. This study handles the issue of Does the mind stand alone to know the information? Or the Islamic Law will be its evidence to do that? The researcher has mentioned the opinions of the scholars and considered that the mind cannot stand alone to know something unless it is guided to the right direction. By means of these three ways specified by the scholars, it has been found that these ways are related to each other regarding the process of obtaining knowledge and they are among the most important knowledge to know the all Creator (Allah). The study reached at some important findings and the most important one is the meeting of reason and tradition. Also, it showed that there is no contradictory between them, but they are concomitant to reach the way to know the Divine Entity. Furthermore, the study shows that the mind is subject to the Islamic Law and serves it to accept and understand it.

خصائص الدراسة

  • المؤلف

    صالح خليل حمودي

  • سنة النشر


  • الناشر:

    مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل

  • المجلد/العدد:

    المجلد ، العدد 53

  • المصدر:

    المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية

  • الصفحات:

    الصفحات 149-188

  • نوع المحتوى:

    بحث علمي

  • اللغة:


  • ISSN:


  • محكمة:


  • الدولة:


  • النص:

    دراسة كاملة

  • نوع الملف:


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