موقف لبنان من أزمة السويس عام 1956 pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
In 1882 Egypt had submitted to the British occupization. The British foreign minister announced that Egypt became under the wing of Britain in 18th December 1914 after the breaking out of the first world war.In 26 August 1936 the British government set out about holding a treaty with the Egyptian government. This treaty includes a British acknowledgement of the Egyptian independence in home and foreign affairs. This will be in exchange of the Egyptian acknowledgment of the right of Britain to let her forces to study in the canal.After the end of the second world war, the Egyptian government saw that the treaty of 1936 has exhausted its purposes and the existence of the British forces. In the canal became unjustificated then and cm agreement was signed between the British and Egyptian governments to move out the British forces Egypt in June 13, 1956.After the British pulling out the Egyptian government worked hard to completed the national independence and to liberate from the western authority than the Egyptian precedent announced the nationalization the canal in July 26, 1956.Lebanon supported completely the decision of nationalization. The Lebanese government stood firmly in side of Egypt and assured its solidarity and support to Egypt and its nationalization of the canal. Also the popular attitude, represented by the parliament and the political parties, characterized by their complete support to the nationalization and they considered it as an magnificent step on the way of accomplishing the national sovereignty and independence. The demonstrations broke out in most of the Lebanese cities supporting Egypt in nationalization the canal.As for the trio aggression on Egypt in October 29,1956 the Lebanese government and people denounced this aggression. the government and the parliament announced their strong condemnation on the aggression. The Lebanese parties called to confront the colonization countries and to face the aggression. the demonstrations wandered about the streets at the Lebanese cities condemning that aggression. the demonstrator, demanded to volunteer in order to assist Egypt.
خصائص الدراسة
جاسم محمد الجبوري
سنة النشر
مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل
المجلد ، العدد 55
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 346-374
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