تجربة العمل الجبهوي في لبنان 1949 ــ 1958 pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
During the period under investigation (1949 – 1958) , Lebanon witnessed the existence of many forms of frontal Work. These forms were effective and influential at the level of interior policy. Lebanese factional coalitions began within the framework of traditional parliamentary opposition. It resulted in the (committee of coalitions factions), a coalition that opposed reelecting Bushara Al – Khuree for a second term. This coalition agreed upon the democracy of dissolving the parliament, holding free elections, securing general liberties, integrity and joining the legal factions that adopted this stance like “ Social Progressive Party “, “ National Liberty Bloc “, “ National Bloc “, The Party of Public Unity “, “ National Calling Party ” and “ Al- Gasasina Organization”. As for the “ National Social Bloc ” ,it is a parliamentary bloc that opposes Al- Khuree.It doesn’t , however , comprise all the parties of the first coalition. Most of its members and nationalist figures. It comprises eight parliamentary members. The programme of this front is clear that of the committee of factions. It is of economical social and democratic nature. It succeeded in deposing Bushara Al-Khuree and electing one of its members (Kameel Shamoun) for the president of the state instead of him. The third coalition, however, was the public social bloc. It undertook achieving the necessary reforms in Lebanon. The figures participating in it were friends to the progressive party or active members in it.As for its programme, it was similar to that of the national social bloc. Factional congress, however, was of different nature. It was a coalition among many factions that demanded for reforms surpasses the internal reforms. It standard its meetings with calling for supporting the struggle of the Arab people in Morrocow. Then, it enlisted the reform demands on its agenda. The congress programme was distanced with political feature which became clear through preserving Lebanon’s unity, and independency. It was rejecting western alliances specially Baghdad alliance in 1955.The National Front was closest to the national socialism front in their members , clearly it was personalities alliance more the between parties , while its announcing program nearest to the party conference program , therefore it concentrated on public political requirements such as refusing second presidential renew for Kamil Shamoon and resisting his political perversion specially the external policy related to western bias. But it is as former alliances determined the relation between its members while its political role was great.
خصائص الدراسة
جاسم محمد الجبوري
سنة النشر
مجلة اداب الرافدين - جامعة الموصل
المجلد ، العدد 58
المجلات الاكاديمية العلمية العراقية
الصفحات 207-237
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رابط الدراسةhttps://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/c2ce3e24fd866b52