Best Practices for Students with Learning Disability in Inclusive Schools from the US and UK: Theoretical Analysis and Application to Saudi Arabia pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
The gap between the children with learning disability and those who are nondisabled especially in the urban districts but the federal has stood in the gap with the rule of law to ensure there is equity and equality among the children with varying abilities in learning. The laws therefore direct that all children are exposed to the same standard-based instructions and curriculum. According to the research, 60% of children with the learning disability tend to improve their learning ability when they are exposed to the same environment with the nondisabled peers. It also become easier for the instructors to identify the strength and talents in this category of children because disability to learn is not the inability and therefore they also have their strong areas which if given the required attention, they can be a turning point of their lives. In America, 56 public schools were sampled from Miami-Dade County to develop an evaluation tool so that the administrators can make recommendations and a follow up made to confirm the implementation of the inclusive curriculum. In this research, it will be demonstrated how social healthy it is to train children together without discriminations based on the varying ability to learn. It is also found out that there is a great need for the teachers, administrators and the district to join hands and make professional developments by supporting each other. This will help in development of the inclusivity from lower schools to university level. It is admirable because the children who have the normal learning ability will also benefit from the inclusive curriculum because as they interact with the peers with varying learning ability, they grow socially together by appreciating the variety in nature.
خصائص الدراسة
Alruwaili ، Hana Ali B
سنة النشر
22 - 05 - 2016
جامعة الأزهر، کلية التربية
المجلد: 36 العدد 174ج1
التربية (الأزهر): مجلة علمية محکمة للبحوث التربوية والنفسية والاجتماعية)
837 - 849
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