توطـين الصناعة الخَدَمِية في المجتمع السعودي دراسة اجتماعية تطبيقية على السياسة التصنيعية الحالية. Consolidation of the industry in Saudi society study on current manufacturing policy applied social pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
n current manufacturing policy applied social
The industry sector is a crucial development sectors in Saudi Arabia. Since the establishment of the Ministry for industry and 1395 State supports manufacturing movement which has become essential and strategic target and follower of the Saudi manufacturing policy finds remarkable growth not only in the national gross income and output in the expansion of industrial activities and labour, civil and foreign capital attraction. It can be said: that the industry itself has become the modern Saudi society systems. when we refer to development plans or high rates of economic growth that includes a reference to a system of industry and its growing role in the development process, but modern industry system no longer mere hedonic and social demand and labour. but is based on the development of social life style and social values appropriate for what is called the industrial service service industry society. Here, this search is trying to shed light on the ability of current manufacturing policy shift from consumer society to a society of information and knowledge and tools industry transition from manufacturing of tuberculosis.
And then you come here and research objectives are:
1- to reconsider the industrial planning beyond current industry plan focusing on physical or economic needs to satisfy cognitive needs.
2- Manufacturing transition from traditional economic project idea to the idea of cultural project that creates social participation in General say re cultural production and value across tools and SOA technology.
خصائص الدراسة
الشريدة ، خالد بن عبد العزيز
سنة النشر
13 - 07 - 2015
جامعة الأزهر، کلية التربية
المجلد: 34 العدد 165جزء4
التربية (الأزهر): مجلة علمية محکمة للبحوث التربوية والنفسية والاجتماعية)
63 - 106
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