عوامل النجاح التي تؤثر على مشاريع الانشاءات العامة و علاقتها بالاداء pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Purpose: Construction industry is characterized by complexity nature; being challenged by high cost pressure, and increasing competition. The aim of this research was to investigate the success factors that affecting public construction projects and their relation to key performance indicators in Palestine. This has been achieved throw three main objectives which were 1) identifying and evaluating the key performance indicators (KPIs) of public construction projects, 2) investigating the critical success factors CSFs affecting the public construction projects and 3) evaluating the relationship between KPIs and CSFs in the public construction projects. Design/methodology/approach: Intensive literature review was done and a quantitative survey was designed and used in the research. Two main steps were used to reach the final amendment of the questionnaire: (1) Experts consultation by presenting the questionnaire to 6 experts in construction projects from Palestine to evaluate questionnaire clarity, comprehensivness and readability. (2) Pilot study was conducted by distributing 20 copies of the questionnaire to respondents from the target group which include engineering professionals (civil or architectural engineers who works as project managers, field supervisors and designers) and analyzing them for testing statistical validity and reliability. Three hundred and eighty four copies of the questionnaire were distributed and two hundred and seventy four copies were received from the respondents with a response rate = 71.35%. To draw meaningful results, the collected data have been analyzed by using the quantitative data analysis techniques (which include Relative important index RII, Factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and others) through the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) IBM version 22. Findings: From literature review and pilot study 13 KPIs were determined in this study. Factor analysis was used to reduce and group the 13 KPIs. As a result of factoring 11 KPIs were remaining and grouped into three groups namely: 1) project quality and environment impact, 2) satisfaction and reputation of project parties and 3) overall cost and time. Descriptive statistics used to rank the 13 KPI and results revealed that the top three most important KPIs were 1) project conformity to quality and technical specifications standards, 2) actual project costs compared with planned budget and 3) actual project duration compared with planned duration. Also results indicated that Palestinian construction projects suffer from cost and time overrun and the quantity and costs of variation orders are high. Also from literature review and pilot study 81 CSFs were obtained. They were classified according to project life cycle into four phases. By using factor analysis the number were reduced to 52 CSFs and grouped into 14 component. Results also showed that all 81 CSFs were important since the least RII was above 75.51%. The top five most important CSFs from the respondents view were 1) project feasibility and priority for the society, 2) coordinating with related formal parties such as (municipalities, electricity companies, ministries,… etc.), 3) document the preparation meetings in details, 4) project manager commitment to meet cost quality and time of project and 5) the client follows project implementation regularly. Also results showed that there were significant relationship between CSFs and KPIs which means that project KPIs affected by CSFs. Theoretical and practical implications of the research: The research unravels about an important concept and paves the path for future research in this particular area. It is concerned with construction professionals working in governmental and non-governmental organizations and consultant firms. The questionnaire survey did not include all collected factors from literature review, since it was generalized that adopted to Palestine. Recommendations were made for clients, consultants and contractors respectively in order to optimize the their construction projects success. It is hoped that the obtained KPIs and CSFs in this study can be applied and examines practically in construction projects. Originality/ value: This research will add to the current body of knowledge about KPIs and CSFs all over the world. Rarely studies have examined the relationship between KPIs and CSFs according to projects life cycle. This research is considered as one of these limited studies which link between KPIs and CSFs according to projects life cycle. It is the first study that contributes significantly to consider KPIs and CSFs in Palestine. This study can provide a documentation of reference for the researcher who interested in the field of the study.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
خصائص الدراسة
Elbohisi, Sirin K
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
نوع المحتوى:
رسالة ماجستير
دراسة كاملة
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