فاعلية التدخل النفسي لتخفيف القلق لدى السيدات العقيمات في غزة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
Background: according to world health organization, approximately 8-10% couples are facing some kind of infertility problem. which means that 50-80 million people are facing the problem of getting an integrated family globally, anxiety shown to be 8-28% among infertile couples when compared to the general population. Objectives: To investigate the effect of psychological intervention in reducing anxiety among infertile woman's in Gaza. Study design: The researcher adopted the semi experimental approach. Setting: The study was carried out in Albasma infertility center Sample: The study sample was chosen from the specified population to be totally (12). Method: The researcher designed and used a measuring tool to identify the level of anxiety related to infertility, This tool focused on measuring two dimensions, the psychological and social status. The researcher also performed a guidance program to reduce the degrees of anxiety that the women were facing. Results: The percentage weight of anxiety in the pretest was 77.03% after the program application, the percentage weight was reduced to 39.2% in the post test which shows how effective was the guidance program in reducing the high degrees of infertility anxiety and its sides the sample used to have in the pre test. Moreover, the results showed that the percentage weight of anxiety was reduced from 39.2% to 33% in post post test which shows the women had kept the awareness and the knowledge they have learned in controlling their anxiety. Some of the recommendation that the researcher concluded is that treatment of infertile women in all infertility centers should be through the combined and comprehensive team of both gynecologists and community mental health . The researcher recommended that the media should make the public, especially infertile women, aware about the importance of combined use of psychotherapy and routine treatment to treat infertility. This can help increasing success rate of infertility treatment and can improve the quality of life of these patients. Moreover, the researcher recommended the establishment of centers affiliated to the ministry of health to care for this category in parallel In its sponsorship to the fertile women.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
Ballut, Nadia (2013). The Effectiveness of Psycholalogical Intervention to Reduce Anxiety among infertile Women in Gaza. الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 21184
خصائص الدراسة
Ballut, Nadia
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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