أثر إدارة الموارد البشرية الالكترونية على التطور التنظيمي للأنروا في قطاع غزة pdf
ملخص الدراسة:
This research studies the impact of Electronic Human Resource Management on Organizational Development of UNRWA in the Gaza Strip, from the perspectives of the Gaza Field office employees. It also highlights the relationship between these factors "E-HRM" and “UNRWA organizational development ". The descriptive, analytical approach used and utilized both primary and secondary data. In order to achieve the research objectives, a structured questionnaire has designed. The study population was (630) who are administrative and management staff classified between grade 6-20 and working in UNRWA Gaza Field office. A stratified random sample representative of the research population is used, with atotal of (308) copies of the questionnaire were distributed and (308) copies were received. The main findings of the research were: It has concluded that E-HRM components have positive effect on organizational development to UNRWA. E-HRM contributes to achieve the objectives of the UNRWA and in the staff development. There is a strong positive relationship between the electronic components of human resource management and organizational development for UNRWA. E-Recruitment took top rankings in terms of its impact on organizational development and then E-Selecting, followed by E-Training and E-Development, followed by E-compensation. E-Recruitment and E-Selection have a significant impact on organizational development for UNRWA. 6. Apply the electronic human resources management helps organizational development. The main recommendations of the research were: E-HRM outcomes in terms of efficient HRM processes, higher level of service delivery and a higher strategic contribution as well as the real use of E-HRM systems should been clearly communicated to UNRWA employees to ensure better utilization of E-HRM applications. The success of E-HRM systems depends highly on the employees; therefore, UNRWA should work to improve the relationship between the HRM department and the employees. More efforts should been undertaken by UNRWA to encourage employees to participate in training programs related to the use of E-HRM applications. E-HRM systems should been strategically aligned with HR needs, in such big organizations like UNRWA with a diverse workforce and a bureaucratic culture. UNRWA can utilize the E-HRM system to understand the electronic interactions between managers and employees, preventing miscommunications and misinterpretations of information. UNRWA should consider the challenges related to the use of E-HRM systems in the organization, for instance, cost implications, data entry errors, improper use of the system and security of the information.
توثيق المرجعي (APA)
Atallah, Asmaa Ata (2016). “The Impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) on Organizational Development of UNRWA in Gaza Strip”. الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة. 18713
خصائص الدراسة
Atallah, Asmaa Ata
سنة النشر
الجامعة الإسلامية - غزة
المستودع الرقمي للجامعة الإسلامية بغزة
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رسالة ماجستير
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